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Artists to Artpreneurs 2.0

Join 6 expert mentors for a learning journey to elevate your career in Art!

Admit it, it's not easy to be an Artist. Let alone if you are a mother.


Besides juggling passion, inspiration, finance, caregiving and everything else, you need to constantly fight against draining of time or energy, imposter syndrome or self-doubts, as well as loneliness long the journey to make an art business.


Have you ever wondered - how to break the glass ceiling and make the leap in your art career?


Mama on Palette's "Artists to Artpreneurs" is an one-of-the-kind programme curated to cultivate the next era of female artpreneurs:


From practical knowledge such as pitching into art gallery and curation industries, turning your artworks into fashion brand, running successful pop-up markets and art workshops; to the soft skills involved in entrepreneurship such as growth mindset, branding, community building and growth - all Art career paths that you could think of are covered by the expert speakers who are winners in their respective fields.


Artists who graduated from "Artists to Artpreneurs" are also provided with platforms to turn their learning into actions.​ From our 2023 batch, 6 mother artists transformed art into wearable products with ANS.EIN, and showcased at Mama on Palette’s annual Mothers’ Day art exhibition at South Beach Tower towards over 150 attendees.​ The collection “The Unseen of Motherhood” has sold 100 pieces via ANS.EIN online store in less than 2 months.


The next Artpreneur could be you! Sign up for our "Artists to Artpreneurs 2.0" and work towards making your Artist dream come true. Seats are limited and allocated on first-come-first-serve basis with priority to Mama on Palette 2024 members.

Weekly Masterclasses

Learn essential skills from women leaders in Art Businesses. Every Saturday in August 2024

The second year we are running "Artists to Artpreneurs" programme, we'd hope to provide both essential soft and hard skills training to our aspiring women artpreneurs, who are mostly home-based small business owners. We want to break the norm that "artists don't earn" by showcasing the various possibilities to create for success. Choose one or choose all, it's up to you. But we ensure all programmes are specially curated to help you find a critical missing piece to build an Art career.

Week 1

SAT, 3 AUG, 10AM-12PM

Creative Confidence for Introverted Artists

Navigating networking as an introvert and offer strategies for introverted mom artistes to confidently promote their work.


By Lavania Rosie, Founder and Director of Tinted Wateva


Week 3

SAT, 17 AUG, 10AM-12PM

Turning Art into Fashion

Bridge the worlds of visual art and fashion design. Learn how to transform artistic expressions into wearable fashion pieces, from initial concept development to the final creation of garments and accessories.


By Anseina Eliza, Co-founder of ANS.EIN


Week 4

SAT, 24 AUG, 10AM-12PM

Practical Tips for Artists to Run a Successful Pop-up

Learn how to create engaging content to share on social media platforms, driving followers to visit their booth, as well as  practical tips for physical preparation and managing pop-up booths.


By Joyce Lim, Founder of Chokmah


Week 2

Sat, 10 AUG, 11:30AM-1.30PM

Inside Art Galleries: exploring the Stakeholders of Singapore’s Fine Arts Scene

Understand the artist-gallery-collector relationship that functions in the gallery business from the first-hand experience of artist Shayne Phua and gallerist Audrey Yeo.


By Audrey Yeo, President of Art Galleries Association Singapore


Week 3

SAT, 17 AUG, 2-4PM

Curating ART Inside Out

By Claire Teo, Director of The Private Museum


Week 4

SAT, 24 AUG, 2-4PM

Effective Strategies to Foster Community Growth

By Alice Yu Yuebo, Founder and President of Mama on Palette


Our Alumni Say

I have only been in the Mama on Palette community for a year, but in that time, they have enabled me to take my art to another level by offering opportunities to exhibit, publishing my paintings in an art book, and through their 'artist to artpreneur' workshop, I picked up useful tips on the art business and had the thrill of seeing my artwork turned into fashion by a designer. This is an organisation that sincerely supports mother artists and works tirelessly to give them opportunities to shine.

Georgina Gray

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